Tuesday, April 8, 2014

March 4th

Dear Family,

This week Jorgelina Morales, our 70 year-old investigator got baptized!! This was my first where I was taught from start to finish.

Here´s a entry from my journal,
´´Today, was the day that Jorgelina Morales of 69 years of age was baptized and brought under covenant by Sebastian Pardo (member). It took 3 times, but she finally went all the way under the water before her toe came up afterwards...¨Nueva Criatura¨ (New Creature), as she said. She was happy, even if she took in a little water the first time. She is already making friends in the Relief Society and today Hna. DeLaCanal even gave her a book of Gospel pictures and she really likes the pictures-- a whole lot more than us talking. She kind of stops listening and just gets lost in the picture when you show it to her, but they really help her understand, as she can´t read. After the baptism, we had an asado (Argentine barbecue). Adriana, a friend of a member family, and our new investigator came to the Baptismal Service!! She wants to get baptized--no like I¨m serious she wants to get baptized! She basically--kind of unofficially--put her own baptismal date. Anyways, we said that if she--and Clara and Paula (other friends\investigators), who didn´t come--came that we would go harvest pears with them at their work. They got the okay, and Adriana came so we went and picked pears. Never have I seen so many or such ginormous pears. We used collecting bins that you wear on the front, fill from the top  and empty out the bottom into really big crates. They were using 20 foot tripod ladders, but we mostly were on the ground. Luckily, I´m above-average tall here and I was able to reach\jump up and pluck ´em off without problem for the first 9 feet. The pictures we took explain well. While we were going back and forth , up and down, it became more taxing and I remember thinking, ¨I want an education, because this hard.¨ I guess you can work hard and get good grades or work hard, everyday, and pick lots of pears. Let´s just say that when it comes to pear-picking I don´t plan on becoming a professional.´´

Hope you enjoy that and the attached photos.


Elder Bradley Turek

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