Tuesday, April 8, 2014

March 10th

Dear family,

I love the photos that you all sent me of you guys and your trip in the Cayman Islands! Wow, that water is super, super pretty! Ah, I about died. But, you can´t beat the argentine sun, omnipresent dirt, sharp rocks, numerous dogs, and huge spike plants that I got here. Nope, not even close. Haha, okay maybe it does, but does your sunset look like this?
Yeah, they´re great here. And, the dogs, spikes, dirt, sun and rocks you get used to, so it´s pretty good here.

I don´t have lots of time today, but I will share with you one experience this week,

We have an investigator, the same one who we traded pear-work for baptismal service attendance. She came to church again, this week. Our recent convert, Jorgelina, was confirmed by Elder Lopes, my companion, as well.

When we went to Adriana´s house later that day, she told us that while Jorgelina was being confirmed that she felt something ¨Hermosa¨ or Beautiful in her chest! She said she felt like she was the one there, sitting in the chair! She told us that she has been to lots of churches, I mean lots of churches, and that never has she felt, what she feels here. She told us, no promised us, that if she doesn´t get baptized here in 25 de Mayo, that she will when she goes back to Tucuman, where she lives! 

Bottom line: the Lord has a hand in the work here in the Argentina Neuquén Mission.

This last week we, as a mission, had 45 baptisms, which is one away from breaking the record. We´re seeing lots of good things, and we just have to be ready and prepared to recieve what he has in store.

Lots of love,

Elder Bradley Turek

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