Monday, October 28, 2013

Oct 21

Family and Friends!

How are you? Are you doing well? Have you taken a deep breath today? No? Okay, do it with me. Big breath in. (I´m waiting for you to do it with me)...hold it...hold it a little more....and breathe out. Ahh, doesn´t that feel better. Look at that right through the internet.

This week! Oh, what fun being a missionary is; it´s hard. This week it seemed that no one was in their house when we showed up and when we rescheduled with them, something came up. We walked and walked. Our lunches canceled on us two days of the week, so we were left to cook our own meals, but that turned out better than expected, so all is well.

It´s been more difficult to have two companions again, but I´ve learned from my experience with my two companions earlier and so I´m trying to include my new companion in everything I wasn´t included, explain things, translate things, help him get to know the area, introduce him, things like that. Funny thing: I gave up my desk to him before I even met him and pulled the door off the hinges to make myself a new desk. I´m trying to make him feel good and welcome even if he´s sick and shy right now. Hes doing well.

Argentina, it just so happens, is on the opposite side of the world than most of you, and so instead of approaching the drizzle, wind, and cold of autumn and winter, we`re blossoming into an increasingly hot spring and eventually summer. The mosquitos have started to come. I hear less than wonderful things about summer here. Haha, it´s gonna be a good time. But I bought myself a flower to remind us that it´s spring and she´s doing well.

Yesterday, was Mother´s Day here in Argentina. Yeah, I know, weird, but they´re seemingly the only country in the world that decided to have their mother´s day in october. So Happy Argentinian Mother´s Day all you moms!

Mom, you asked if I´m walking through any dangerous neighborhoods. Um, define dangerous, haha, I haven´t been shot at or threatened or robbed yet, so no. There might be one neighborhood that we avoid at night, but the others are relatively safe. I really hope that I don´t ever get robbed, because if I do it will suck; I´ve gathered the name marry poppins on some fronts because I believe in the scout motto and therefore seem to have everything I and others need when we need it--first aid kit, water, camera, headlamp, etc. I may have sore shoulders every once in a while--having a single strap messenger bag doesn´t help--but it´s worth it.

Like I said, things are good here in Argentina! I love you all, and keep being excellent.


Elder Bradley Turek

A few other things.
Photos. I really would like photos of things, please.

I need to know how to lock a Cosmo Black Diamond headlamp. I had the instructions at home, but google should be able to tell you. Let me know, thanks.

Tell Tyler to put dates on his Dear Elder Letters so that I can know when they are, don´t have dates inherintly. I get one every week or two. Thanks for your letters T. I´ll write you back I promise.

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