Sunday, August 11, 2013

Aug 5, 2013

Hola familia!
Como estan ustedes! How are you guys!
It's cool to hear about Brett and Cody going on Trek. I can't believe that it's been 4 years since I've been on Trek! I remember the Hodown! It was fun, but  I remember watching the video of me ho-down-ing and not liking how my pants made me look... Anyways, yeah Trek was awesome for me, I hope it was awesome for you two, Cody and Brett! I hope you never forget what and how you felt! Every last feeling down to your sore toes!
I'm so excited for Kyla to get a cool room! Those colors seem awesome! I want to see pictures of it eventually! Maybe Dad and Mom will actually get seperate, clean offices! [Or at least one of you will ;) ]
What good news for Tyler and Brett! Finally, jobs! Skylar emailed me that Brett and her were going to job hunting the other day, were you fruitful? And how cool for Tyler, that will be a great job. Tell T that he can tell them that his little brother got 4th place in Help Desk Skills at the State Level at the FBLA state competition, I'm sure that will get him a job ;)
Things that happened this week:
Wow I can hardly remember! I should write more down in my Journal. Oh, I know! Today, my district got invited to clean the Provo Temple! It's exciting because that's not something that everyone gets to do. So we went today and walked over to the fantastic, fragrant, flowering temple grounds, like we get to do almost every week on our Sunday temple walk--except this morning there were two different things than on our temple walks, being:
1)There weren't a thousand missionaries also enjoying their walk
2)and there weren't any protesting cross-holding ministers trying to preach to us about Jesus and such (because we don't know anything about him--I mean it's not even on each of our name tags).
--anyways we went up to the Temple and went into the side dock doors where we were met by security. He asked for two missionaries to be the security and so my companion and I volunteered were clearly the most qualified... okay my companion was clearly the most qualified; seriously he could bounce anybody that decided they wanted to lay unhallowed foot in the temple.
So we got these really cool LDS Security badges (like, I'm talking legitimate metal badge-plaque-necklace thing) that said Provo Temple Security (man, I wish I had a picture!) and they had us take people's recommends and check them in. It was good, we would check in the contractors who were wearing all white, even white overalls, and give them a little contractor badge. I even signed for two (count 'em: 2) packages. Okay, maybe the badge was the coolest part, but it was still fun; I was so ready to cast out any unwelcomed persons that came my way.
After we were done security-izing, they gave us a short tour. They took us into the Bride's room! One-time-opportunity. Wow. It was really cool. Mirrors and gold everywhere! The lady touring us, pointed out the gold accenting along most of the walls and mirrors. She said that it was the real stuff, aka verdadero oro (real gold!) She emphasized how much God loves his daughters, and how much we should appreciate them, too. It was very cool.

My companion and I are doing well! For a while we were kind of in a funk. We both were following the rules, but we just weren't working together. A teacher that was going around and helping (as the spare teachers often do here) picked us out of our district and took is in the other room to help us work on whatever we needed to work on. We told him that we had just got some feedback from someone who observed one of our appointments with an investigator and he, the feedback giver, said in the 12 minutes that he was there behind the 2-way mirror, the investigator spoke for 33 seconds; he timed it. So because of that we were trying to work on (and had worked on) getting to know our investigators better and asking them more questions. So he, the helping-teacher, had us practice with him. After we came in and (in Spanish, mind you) got to know him for 10 minutes or so, he stopped, broke character back to himself and asked us what we knew about him (his character). We knew all the normal things: he lived alone, he worked in landscaping, he had a few brothers and sisters, he liked to work on his house in his spare time, he liked his family. But then he asked what we really knew about him. The answer was really nothing.

So he then explained to us that in order to know someone you need to know what their goals are, their desires are, their fears are. He asked Elder Latu if he knew what my biggest fear was, asked me if I knew what Elder Latu's goals were. He told us that it seemed that we had some work to do and that before we can get to know and love our investigators, we needed to really get to know and love each other. So we did. I really got to know Elder Latu, more, and he got to know me. Now we're on the same page and we love each other and we're working together much better. It's been good. Life's much easier when you're working together, especially when your connected at the hip.
Below (actually in another email) I've attached some pictures. There's a picture of Elder Latu, a picture of Elder Latu and I and a picture of our Zone.
Mom, did you send that package I left with you off to camp Loll? I got your package! Finally! I was waiting for it with baited breath every day since I heard it was coming. It was really good to get because one of the Elders in my district gets a package like every/every other day. Thank you for the innumerable treats! Thank you for the multivitamins! Thank you for the other pair of shorts! Thank you for the pajama pants and Mickey Mouse shirt! Thank you for the letter from Kyla! Thanks for the Nalgene! Thank you for the addresses (how sure are you about Lynette's? I thought it was Riversands Dr. not Riverside, so double check on that, if you're right I need to send a letter to whoever lives at 625 Riverside Drive and get my letter to the right house)! Thanks for the vitamins for immune system health; how did you know I was getting sick! Thank you for loving me!
I love you all,

Elder Turek
P.S. If you ever get a hold of some ear plugs, those would be handy to have; sometimes, I can't help but listen to other people's conversations.
P.P.S Thanks to Skylar, Ashley, Patsy, and Trudi for sending me emails/letters.
P.P.P.S. Dad, did you ever get that camp directory off my google drive (refer to my last email)? I know you're busy, but that would be nice so I can send letters to my camp friends.

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