Tuesday, August 13, 2013

Aug. 12, 2013

Hola, familia y amigos!
Thanks to all of those who sent me emails or letters! You're awesome. En verdad ("Really"). Namely, Misti (AKA The (self-named) Favorite Aunt), Skylar and Lynette and Hannah. Thanks. Alot. Those help me more than you think.
Anyways! Things that have gone on this week!

First and foremost, my entire district got some exciting news this week! We're being moved to the West MTC Campus. There's been mixed feelings among our district--you know how rumors and "change" go--but I'm hopeful. The west campus has been in development for a while; it used to be the "Raintree" apartment buildings and Wyview Building for BYU but the MTC bought it and their slowly but surely, I've heard, turning it into a second campus. We hear lots of things about the West Campus. Some good, some bad. I choose to only believe the good and have a good attitude about the bad, if by rare chance they're true.

I've been here at the Main MTC Campus for almost a month! So in that way it's going to be... less than what we anticipated, because this 4th week was the week where we would finally get to Host--help lead new missionaries around and pry them off their crying mothers--and feel like we know something about something, but...alas, we will survive without it. We'll be off to the West Campus on Tuesday and so we're back to the newbie/novato status. And you know what, I'm excited! 
My companion and I are still teaching and trying to make headway on our investigators! It's still hard, but I like what Elder Holland said (paraphrase) "Why is not the only problem of missionary work, Pneumonia from being wet all day and all night in the baptismal font?.... I believe missionary work is not easy... because salvation is not a cheap experience." I will keep trying and rely on the Lord.
My mailing address will change to:
Elder Bradley Christopher Turek
2023 N 900 E Unit 898
Mom! Thanks for getting me earplugs! They're not here yet, but I'm excited for them! Also, thanks again for the last package, but for the future--if you really wanted to tickle my tastebuds--foods with more substance like wheat-thins and nature-valley bars would be SO appreciated. Thanks. :)
Dad, thanks for uploading those contacts. I know you're super busy with work and callings and such. If you could actually upload my contacts from my previous email address, TurekBoy@gmail.com, that would be great. And if you could send, in a email or letter, the whole list of mailing addresses of my camp friends, that would be ever-so helpful. Thanks for updating my blog! You rock. If you could update my MTC address found on the sidebar (I think) that would be grand. Also! I was looking at the past MTC presidents and I think I found your MTC Presidents--not sure, my math could be wrong--was it Joseph and Carolyn Bishop? Maybe you don't remember, but I just thought it might be cool if it was.
Tyler! I saw Elder Hopper here at the MTC; he's a teacher. He said that he went to the Mexico City North Mission and I came to figure out from him that you were companions and good friends! How cool! Que chevre, I mean. I know this may be a far-out suggestion for Tyler, but he could look into teaching here at the MTC. It seems like a lot of returned missionaries do it. There's clearly some complications to be had in doing so, but, you know, just a suggestion.
I hope Cody gets feeling better from his surgery soon, I didn't even know he was going to have a surgery. Did Cody get my letter? 
My missionary plaque. How did I leave without you guys getting a plaque scripture from me? I should've know you all would plan against me like that, but... I will survive. ;) Seriously, though, do I have a plaque? What scripture did you put on it?
A picture for my Mormon.org account. If you could get some good pictures of me and send them that would be great; pick a few from my senior photos, and other facebook portraits of me. 
Thanks, I love you all!
Elder Turek
The attached picture is a picture of some of my district while we're on our Temple Walk.

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