Dear Family,
Firstly and foremostly, thank you soooo much for all of the
birthday emails (and thoughts and prayers). I really do apprecaite them all. I
have read a few, but I will read and respond to the rest later. Again,

Okay, none of you are going to believe what happened...
A Christmas Miracle happened!! You know that package that
you sent me way back in November, five months ago, for Christmas?! Well, guess
what I got this week on the day after my birthday?! That´s right that 5-month
old Christmas Package!! Yay for Christmas Miracles! Haha, mom, you know me WAY
too well. From the Peanut Butter with extra Omega-3 to the exact same deoderant
that I like and happened to just run out,it was all wonderful. The candies and
such are all a little hard or melted, but HEY! Candy! Also, you sent me like a
million shirts. Did you think that I have been going shirtless for a while? Haha,
no, but I thoroughly enjoyed them all and will put them to good use.
Okay, so that´s the big news for this week:
Christmas-Birthday Miracle. 

My birthday was yesterday, and if you were wondering mom, I
DID eat cake: cupcakes that is. The sister missionaries here in 25 de Mayo,
were so kind to make me 6 delicious birthday cupcakes. They were most
excellent, and I shared them with all of those who showed up to my Gospel
Principles class on Sunday. Also, late saturday night, I was told that I would
have to give a talk the next day. Haha, I wasn´t super worried, but when the
time came, for me to give my talk the Branch President caught my attencion and
gave me the ´´don´t worry about it we´re out of time´´ signal, and so I didn´t
end up having to give a talk, yay for birthday miracles.
Fa, 20 years old. I´m old. (I know all of you
more-than-20-somethings think I´m crazy) But it´s official, I´m no longer in
the teens.
I´m very glad to hear that the gifts I sent were enjoyed.
I wish I had told you this last week, but for future
reference, if you want to buy me something online that will get to me here in
Argentina, ´´mercado libre´´ is the amazon of argentina. With that said, I will
most certainly use the money you sent me to buy myself something nice this
week. Like a wallet.
The other day we went to visit a less active lady. She is
very old like 90, and hasn´t been to the chapel in years. We got a talking to
her, and before we could say anything she let us know that God had authorized
her to ´´take a rest´´ from going to church. What?... I could not believe it.
Authorized? She really had convinced herself that God had authorized her to not
go to the chapel. She´s crazy. She said ´´Yes of course´´ to the question ´´If
the Lord himself was here and told you to go to church, what would you say´´.
But when I said'' Well, we are representatives of Jesus Christ and as His
representatives me make you the same invitation. What do you say?'' She
replied ´´, I don´t say anything'' Yeah. Good times. That´s what pride
does to you. When the sisters went back to visit her she ´´bajó la caña en mí´´
or ´´dropped cane on me´´. In other words she said I was crazy.
Okay that´s really all of the time that I have.
I love you all,
Elder Bradley Turek
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