Monday, September 16, 2013

Scripture Power

Hola Familia y Amigos!

Thanks so much for your emails! You make it difficult to respond to all of you, the way I want to. If you don't get a response immediately, don't be sad, just wait a bit, maybe send me a reminder, I'll do my best to reply evenutally. I only have 1 hour to read all of your emails, write my family, and the president. You can always send me a Dear Elder at and those should (emphasis on should) come to our pension every week or two on printed pages. That way, I can write a reply first and then just type it out when I get to the cyber (internet cafe).

First things first: my escritura (scripture). You all probably know how I am with decisions... this has been the same way, but after hours of tribulation and contemplation, I decided that I just needed to decide.

 Isaiah 12:2 and 1 John 4:18

"Behold, God is my salvation; I will trust and be not afraid: for the Lord Jehovah is my strength and my song; he also is become by salvation.

"There is no fear in love, but perfect love casteth out [all] fear...

Okay, I'm nearly out of time, but enjoy all these pictures of things. One day we had Sopa de Letras compliments of Elder Rojas, and so I made good use of it and spelled my name.

One of them is a picture of our wonderful door, which I imagine is going to turn into a wonderful family tree.

The other is of the keys here. I kid you not. These are the keys to our house. It's pretty crazy, but everybody uses them. Sometimes I feel like Cinderella.

The others are a picture of this super-radical-looking leon estatua here in plottier and a picture of me with said super radical-looking leon. Disfrute.(Enjoy) 

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